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        "arcontinue": "JSDL_09_-_Die_Bestie|5271",
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    "query": {
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                "fromid": 2790,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Dhb 040 - Tod in der gr\u00fcnen H\u00f6lle"
                "fromid": 2937,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "GK 053 - Frisches Blut f\u00fcr den Vampir"
                "fromid": 5263,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "JSDL 01 - B\u00f6ses Erwachen"
                "fromid": 5264,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "JSDL 02 - Kein Zur\u00fcck!"
                "fromid": 5265,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "JSDL 03 - Grauen im Rampenlicht"
                "fromid": 5266,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "JSDL 04 - Sinatown \u2013 Stadt der S\u00fcnde"
                "fromid": 5267,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "JSDL 05 - Abtr\u00fcnnig"
                "fromid": 5268,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "JSDL 06 - Verlorene Seelen"
                "fromid": 5269,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "JSDL 07 - Die schwarze Witwe"
                "fromid": 5270,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "JSDL 08 - Manchmal kommen sie zur\u00fcck"